Today I want to introduce you to our other awesome owner, Tom Joyner! Tom is the man in charge of designing our cool homes. He is ubertalented, smart, and funny … and has a very strange allergy, apparently! (read below 🙂 ) I think it’s safe to say that all of us at Joyner Homes are thankful for his amazing talents.
How long have you worked at Joyner Homes?
13 years- since the beginning!
What do you do at JH?
A little bit of everything. Floor plan design, sales coaching, land development, construction management, etc…
If you could switch jobs with someone in Joyner Homes, who would it be? Why?
Gina! I love the marketing and graphic design parts of our business. Fun to use the creative side of my brain!
What 3 words would you use to describe Joyner Homes?
Cool. Fun. Friendly.
What do you do when you’re not at work?
Fly fishing, kids sporting events, church band (guitar), running, painting, watching movies, skiing, traveling
What random facts can you share with us?
I share a birthday with George Washington.
I’m the only one of my four siblings that didn’t have multiples.
I can hold my breath underwater for 3 minutes.
I’m allergic to raw fruits and vegetables (for real)
Are you messy or organized?
Messy organized.
What’s your favorite outside activity?
If you could change something about today’s youth, what would it be? Alternately, what excites you about today’s young generation?
I would change the competitive pressure they are under to excel at schooling and sports. I’m excited to see what the next generation does to improve the world with all of the new developing technology.
What would you tell your 13-year old self?
Buy Apple stock. Lots of it.
How do you define success?
Having children who know Jesus. Having the finances, time & health to pursue all of my hobbies.
I hope you enjoyed our member spotlight! I really believe one of the best things about Joyner Homes is the team that works here … it makes work much more enjoyable when you really like your coworkers!
This is a good time to share our Core Values … see below.
Work Hard. Play Hard. – We get it done, but we value time and flexibility for family balance
Tell Us Your Story. We Care. – We are community engaged with small town values
Do It Right. – We do what is right with integrity no matter the cost
Do It Better. – We are motivated by an underdog mentality and we will always be improving
Have your heard about our new community that will be opening soon? Join the VIP List for The Boulders to keep up with new happenings! Contact Emily or Lisa for more info!!
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