Photo by Skyler Ewing from Pexels
Don’t be like the grasshopper in Aesop’s Fables The Ant and The Grasshopper!!! The grasshopper got caught in the wintertime with no food to eat, because he was busy playing music all summer and fall long. Whereas the ant was prepared for winter by taking the time to store food in advance.
Fall is fast approaching, evident by the cooler temperatures and shorter days. Even though we still have some summer temps left, it’s a good time to start thinking about prepping your home for the colder weather that is approaching.
• Have your furnace inspected – Hire an HVAC specialist to check for leaks and do a carbon monoxide check. Be sure to have air filters to change every few
• Clean humidifiers – Replace old filters and clean with vinegar
• Fireplace and chimney inspection – Get a professional in to clean and inspect
• Clean the gutters – Remove leaves and other debris and check for leaks
• Inspect siding and check for cracks or holes
• Turn off exterior faucets and store garden hoses
• Inspect trees to see if any are too close to the home or power lines
• Bring in flowerpots
• Organize the shed/garage
• Plant bulbs for spring
Go ahead and get this quick list completed while the weather is still nice, so you’re not as likely to put it off if you procrastinate and then it’s super cold. Follow the advice of the ant! Do a little extra now so that you’re fully prepared!
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