Today is Earth Day, and perhaps it has you wondering what you can do personally to be a little more eco-conscious. I’ve gathered some points below that may be easy to incorporate into your every day. Implementing a new system in your household can always seem overwhelming. Take baby steps, and you can probably get to where you want to be a little easier than you might think.
One of the easiest things to implement is to use less paper and recycle. With today’s technology, it’s easy to take notes on your computer, ipad, or phone. If you do need to use paper often, try to recycle it when you are finished with it. It takes much less energy for paper to be recycled than it does to start from scratch … plus, you can help save some trees!
Use canvas bags rather than plastic bags at the store …. this is one that I have tried in the past, and failed time and time again. I blame it on the massive amount of food we go through …. However, I do see many people do it successfully. If you can’t get behind this trend, at least reuse your plastic bags around the house …. you can use them in small trash cans or as doggy waste bags.
Reduce water waste …. This is a place where we struggle as a family. One likes to take baths, another likes to sit and wake up while the water runs over him, and I’m guilty of simply enjoying the quiet of a long shower. But, we often pay the price. Things that can be done : shorten your shower time, shut off the water while you brush your teeth, install a low-flow showerhead. Rather than drinking bottled water, get a purification system installed, or simply get a purifier that you can store in the refrigerator if your fridge doesn’t already come equipped with a purification system. Buy a reusable water bottle, especially if you drink water all day!
Use natural light in your home as much as possible. I don’t know about you, but having the windows open and letting the outside light in gives me a little boost in the mornings. You’ll also save on your electric bill.
Shop at your local farmer’s market and support your local economy as much as possible.
We touched on this in another post, but another way to save energy is to install eco-friendly lightbulbs. Installing CFL lightbulbs uses much less electricity than regular bulbs. An added bonus, they are much brighter, which means you may be able to do away with some of your lamps.
Rather than using paper towels, head to the antique store and find some cool cloth napkins that make your heart happy … they do exist in fun colors, if you’re in to that sort of thing. I love to try to integrate color in places, and that’s a fun way to do so!
Plant a small garden in your backyard. This is a fun teaching lesson for your kids, too … food does not come from a store! Food grows outside, and it’s fun to watch the process with kids and let them participate in it.
To go along with your garden, create your own compost bin. What are the benefits of this? You’re not throwing food and yard waste into a plastic bag. It produces rich nutrients that you can use on your yard, garden, and flower beds. What wastes can you compost? Some popular items are the following : coffee grounds, nut shells, leaves, egg shells, fruit and veggie scraps, grass clippings. What not to compost? Meat, pet waste, grass clippings if you have treated it with chemicals, and diseased plants.
Businesses are also becoming more socially-conscious, which is exciting! Toms Shoes gives a pair of shoes away to a child in need for every pair sold. House of Marley makes speakers and headphones and uses sustainably-harvested woods in their products, along with recycled rubber and plastic. They also use a fabric made from hemp, organic cotton and recycled bottles. Big businesses are hopping on the wagon of replacing plastic with recycled materials or paper. Keep your eyes and ears open to these trends and think of them when you make your next purchase.
Get outside and enjoy nature on this beautiful day! Another way you can help the environment is to take a walk or bike ride rather than hopping in your car …. There are many establishments in downtown Greenfield where you can park you car and get out and enjoy the town. Take a cruise down the Pennsy Trail and then stop for a bite to eat at one of the local eateries. Did you know that our community, The Ridges Over Brandywine,is located just minutes from the Pennsy Trail? Click here to see where we build and our floorplan options here. Questions? Click on the contact button at the top of the page.
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