Q: What do you do for Joyner Homes?

A: It seems like I do a little bit of everything! Depending on the day, you will find me doing all types of things! I am the one usually working on ways to improve our process, both behind the scenes and for the customer. I love special projects and usually have a few going at any time! Tom and I also do a lot of brainstorming and business planning together.

Q: Tell us about your family.

A: A: Tom and I have been together over 27 years (married for 23) which just seems crazy! We have three kids – Josie (17) who is my mini-me, Tessa (16) who most resembles Tom, and Jack (12) who is a pretty even mix of the two of us. All three of them definitely have their dad’s sense of humor! We also have a dog, Thor, who is the best dog in the whole world!

Q: How about your hobbies?

A: Aside from tagging along with the kids to cross country, soccer, play practice and various school functions, I do find some time to myself. I am a runner – over 35 half marathons and 4 full marathons so far – so I’m on the Pennsy Trail quite a bit. I also LOVE to travel and I’m usually in the middle of planning at least one adventure. Occasionally, you’ll find me at the piano trying to remember things from my high school days too.

Q: What’s your favorite room in your house?

A: That would be a tie between our Hearth Room (in the winter) and the Screened Porch (in the summer). Both are relatively quiet places for me to relax with a book or to check-in with things on social media.

Q: If you had to pick just one – Facebook, Instagram, Twitter or SnapChat?

A: Instagram hands down! It seems just a bit tamer and much prettier than all of the others.

  • Favorite Color
    Purple - all the way!
  • Favorite Car
    Jeep Wrangler
  • Favorite Restaurant
    Don Rigo and Qdoba

At Joyner Homes, our focus is on creating architectural elements that are uniquely yours.

If you’re tired of the same old designs and want something bold and distinctive, we share your vision!

