Q: What do you do for Joyner Homes?

A: Design Specialist

Q: Tell us about your family.

A: I am a mom of two; My son Aiden is 16 years old and is a young entrepreneur in the Sports Card Industry. My daughter Anna is 14, is quite creative, loves playing volleyball and spending time with friends

Q: What is your favorite room in the house?

A: My favorite part of my home is the kitchen. It’s a place where I enjoy creating delicious food for my family. My kiddos tend to gravitate to the kitchen when they smell the aroma of sweet treats or homemade pizza. The kitchen, I believe, is the heart of the home where prayers and stories are shared around the kitchen table and just good conversations take place.

Q: What would you do if you had a free day to yourself?

A: If I had a free day to myself, I would love to have a spa day! I would get a massage, manicure and my hair done..

  • Favorite Color
  • Favorite Food
    Dark Chocolate
  • Favorite Vacation Spot
    Franklin, Tennessee

At Joyner Homes, our focus is on creating architectural elements that are uniquely yours.

If you’re tired of the same old designs and want something bold and distinctive, we share your vision!

